It is getting more and more expensive to arm yourself following the latest hike in firearms application prices. The South African Police published amendments to fees under the Firearms Control Act in May 2023 and firearms owners should be aware of further increases in the coming years. Should that deter you from arming yourself? We believe not, because it would certainly be a case of penny wise, pound foolish.
Violent crime has increased so much that South Africa is now ranked in the top three most violent countries in the world. The latest crime statistics for the period between October and December 2022, paints the grim picture. During the period, 6 228 people were murdered – almost three per hour, of which 293 were children and 895 were women. According to another police report, more than 45% of murders are committed with a firearm.
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With these facts in mind, one has to consider: Can you really afford NOT arming yourself? believes legal firearm ownership is in the best interest of all if we want to see a safer South Africa. In the critical minutes between becoming aware of an intruder until help arrives, yóú are your family’s only line of defence.
Having a gun in South Africa is regulated largely under the Firearms Control Act 2000 that, when introduced, aimed to address the increased availability and abuse of firearms and ammunition in the country that continued high levels of violent crime. The latest price hike is blamed on inflationary pressure.
The fee payable for an application for a licence to possess a firearm for 2023/2024 shows a 4.42% increase, which will increase by 4.45% in 2024/2025 and a further 4.48% in 2025/2026. The new fees came into effect in May this year after it was signed off by Police Minister Bheki Cele.
Updated fees to apply for a firearm licence, competency certificate or gunsmith licence: See table below.
Fee payable for: | Amount 2022/23 | Amount with CPI 2023/24 4.42% | Amount with CPI 2024/25 4.45% | Amount with CPI 2025/26 4.48% |
Application for licence to possess a firearm | R161 | R168 | R175 | R183 |
Application for a competency certificate | R80 | R84 | R88 | R92 |
Application for a further competency certificate | R80 | R84 | R88 | R92 |
Application for a duplicate licence, permit, certificate or authorisation | R80 | R84 | R88 | R92 |
Application for licence issue to particular categories of persons – dealers, manufacturers and gunsmiths | R 1 610 | R1681 | R1757 | R1 836 |
Application for renewal of a licence, permit or authorisation | R80 | R84 | R88 | R92 |
Application for a temporary authorisation to possess a firearm | R161 | R168 | R175 | R183 |
Application for renewal of a dealer’s, manufacturer’s or gunsmith’s licence | R805 | R841 | R878 | R917 |
Application for a temporary authorisation to trade in firearms or ammunition | R632 | R660 | R689 | R720 |
Application for accreditation | R322 | R336 | R351 | R367 |
Application for a permanent import or export permit | R161 | R168 | R175 | R183 |
Application for an in-transit permit for business purposes | R161 | R168 | R175 | R183 |
Application for permit to transport firearms and ammunition | R322 | R336 | R351 | R367 |
Application for a permit to collect ammunition | R161 | R168 | R175 | R183 |