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Firearms: You must own a gun for self-defence in South Africa

Cele Firearms

The latest attack on gun rights in South Africa by government should be seen as a major onslaught on citizens’ basic constitutional right to freedom. The South African minister of police, Bheki Cele and the current national commissioner of police have personally admitted that it is impossible for them to fulfill their constitutional mandate to keep South African citizens safe. Yet, they now want to disarm more people and suggest making it illegal to own a firearm for self-defence.

Senior SAPS generals and colonels have frequently indulged in unlawful intimidation and persecution of law-abiding firearm owners, whilst simultaneously failing utterly at exercising control over their own firearm stocks, and even being complicit in supplying criminals with guns. A firearm surrendered to or confiscated by the SAPS is very likely to end up back on the street in criminal hands. – Gideon Joubert (

In fact, the South African Police Service lose 8 times more guns than the South African public, read more here:

Police lose 8 times more guns than civilians

Now for your own benefits of owning a gun for self-defence in South Africa. Owning a firearm comes with a number of benefits, including self-defence and participating in sport shooting or hunting. Having a firearm at hand in a society where crime prevails, can save the owner and his family’s lives. Owning a firearm remains one of the most effective self-defence tactics all over the world. In South Africa there are 58 murders per day and in most cases the police only arrive after the bloodshed, thus you are probably on your own to stay alive.

There is no reason to suffer in a life or death situation at home or at your business, if you could be properly prepared for a such a situation, and able to defend yourself. Any law-abiding South African citizen has the right to own a gun to defend themselves. Owning a gun allows you to exercise your constitutional rights and there is no reason to compromise one’s freedom or personal security, we must fight any amendments that want to hijack South African’s from this right.

Bheki Cele, the one wanting to disarm innocent citizens that have no other choice but to defend themselves against violent criminals.

Once a person has purchased a new gun and undergone the required training, he or she should consider some advanced training courses that will make them even more competent and confident when using a firearm.

Spending time at a range and working on marksmanship skills can be fun, relaxing, and even good for your physical or mental well-being. A person’s personal responsibility is also enhanced by owning a firearm. Owning any kind of gun is an opportunity to be accountable.

You always need to consider if your weapon is stored safely, whether it is securely locked up, who may have access to it, how do you need to transport it when necessary, where are your ammunition rounds stored and whether your license is properly maintained and valid.

Gun owners usually take pride in owning a firearm and do not take this responsibility lightly. Owning and learning to effectively shoot your gun could save your life and the lives of your family or neighbours someday.

SA government wants to disarm more citizens

In South Africa, for now, the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000 (FCA) regulates the possession of firearms by civilians. Possession of a firearm is conditional on a competency test and several other factors, including background checking of the applicant, inspection of an owner’s premises, and licensing of the weapon by the police.

Citizens or permanent residents (generally over the age of 21 years) who wish to own firearms are required to obtain a licence for each firearm and may possess a maximum number of four firearms, and a maximum of 200 rounds of ammunition per license.

The right to possess firearms is however not guaranteed by law in South Africa, and it may be possessed only with a licence, permit, or authorisation issued under the provisions of the FCA.

Such a person must be at least twenty-one years old and be either a citizen or a permanent resident of the country. Furthermore a person must be “fit and proper” to own a firearm, be stable and does not have a proclivity for violence or any substance-abuse problem.

Submit your comments pertaining the draft amendments that seek to kill self-defence licenses, cancel collectors, and effectively destroy sport shooting and hunting in SA in its entirety:


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