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3 Jun 2021
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Firearms Guardian

Firearm training: Zero Points Down Academy

Man has been using weapons for hunting and self defense for about 500 000 years. The modern firearm is simply a technological improvement on the tools used so long ago. And the notion of defense is what underlies our training.

Law abiding citizens will acquire weapons for three basic reasons; hunting, sport shooting and self defense. Every program commences with safety and basic defensive shooting techniques. Shooters that want to develop new skills can choose from a range of advanced courses in our defensive firearm and advanced sport shooting series.

Get trained . Be ready to defend yourself. It’s your right!firearms


Legal Compliance Training and Qualification

Any person wishing to use a firearm for private or business purposes under South African law, will be required to complete Unit Standard 117701 and on of the legal standards – as a minimum.

Certificates of Competency issued by Zero Points Down on this program are accepted by the South African Police Services (SAPS) for the purposes of considering and processing your application to possess a firearm. Learners are guaranteed a nationally approved and audited experience. We require a pre-assessment meeting to establish the learner’s experience and skill level – ensuring that the learner is properly prepared for the training and assessment.

The following courses, approved by the Central Firearm Register, a unit of the (SAPS) are presented by our International Training Academy (ITA) certified instructors.

Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act – 117701
Handle and use a handgun – 119649
Handle and use a shotgun – 119652
Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine – 119650
Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine – 119651
Handle and use a handgun for business purposes – 123515
Handle and use a shotgun for business purposes – 123514
Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine for business purposes – 123511
Handle and use a manually operated rifle – for business purposes – 123519

For Zero Points Down Academy, successful completion of these courses is a minimum requirement. We will not move on to more specialized training such as sport-shooting techniques if these standards are not in place. The single exception to this is Family and Youth Training, where some learners may be too young to qualify under law for their own firearm licence.

Family and Youth Program

Every firearm owner will, at some point, come into contact with children in a social environment. All gun owners and especially those who are also parents must not only practice good firearm safety in their handling of firearms, but also be aware of appropriate practices in storing firearms and ammunition in their own homes.

The material is suitable for all, including appropriately supervised, mature children of 8 years and older. The program commences with the basics of home firearms safety and will address the following.

Phase 1 (Morning)

  • General Safety Rules.
  • Proper handling and storage of firearms in the home.
  • Ammunition Storage.
  • How to identify various firearms that may be in the home.
  • How to make sure a firearm is unloaded.
  • The correct method to introduce your children to firearms.

Phase 2 (Afternoon)

  • Rules for safe gun handling.
  • Introduction to handgun, rifle and shotgun parts and operation.
  • Ammunition identification.
  • Shooting fundamentals.
  • Range rules.
  • Basic firearm operation techniques (limited to one of handgun or rifle or shotgun).
  • Cleaning your firearm.
  • Continued opportunities for skill development.


  • If you do not own a firearm the academy has available for hire.
  • If using your own firearm, please arrive with it unloaded and bring your original license.
  • Ammunition – 30 cartridges for each person – bring your own or we can supply.
  • Eye and ear protection. (Industrial type earplugs are not adequate).
  • Practical and comfortable clothing and shoes.
  • Range time, targets and certificate included in fee.

Course fees, calendar and bookings.

Please click here to send us and enquiry email. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Monday to Friday or 48 hours over weekends.

Firearms pointing gunHandgun Programs

People are used to steps of progression. From junior school we are taught to appreciate the difference between and compare good with better, and better with best. This is the philosophy that guides our approach to training – in every discipline. Easy to visualize. Our programs start off with Essential, progress to Sport Shooter and peak with Competition Shooter. Whether you choose just one, such as handgun or desire to learn all small arms, you’re guaranteed a learning experience to match your aspirations.

Essential Handgun

This is the point where our dynamic e5 program is first introduced. It’s an experience designed to bring the licensed firearm owner to a new level. We focus on developing an equilibrium between power, speed and accuracy, adding a number of new skills not taught in Legal Compliance & Qualification.

The framework for Essential Handgun Shooter embraces the 7 fundamentals of marksmanship, starting with stance and concluding with follow-through after the shot. Each skill is practiced in logical sequence within the framework of safe and competent firearm handling.

Essential Handgun Includes:

  • Primary grip with variations
  • Stance with options to suit your application
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline
  • How to draw the handgun and index on target
  • Fundamental reload sequence and technique, including emergency reload
  • Dry fire practice regime

To assist your ongoing skill improvement we teach you the foundation of an effective practice regime to apply at home. Personal equipment choices and applications are also discussed and you will receive professional advice tailored to match your expected application. There is no competitive element on this course – we move at the pace of the newest student. In this 1-day program you’ll spend more time on the range than in the classroom and by the end of the course, you will leave with a new set of skills and a clear idea of your new practice regime.

Course Fee R1500.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 150 rounds of factory produced ammunition. Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, a sturdy belt, holster and at least a single magazine pouch. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own firearm please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag, box, or holstered on you. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm. Glock pistols are available for rental during training.

Prerequisite: SAPS CFR competency or pass the skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Sport Shooting Handgun

You’ve got Essential Handgun or related experience under your belt, and you’re ready to enter the exciting world of sport shooting. Our Sport Handgun Shooter program will set you up with the skill and knowledge to bring your other three personal characteristics – mental attitude, balance and capacity into sharp focus. After successfully completing this program you will be confident of your competence to enter competitions and matches in your chosen handgun discipline.

The framework for Sport Handgun Shooter builds on the important skills that you have developed and includes:

A quick review of all previous skills

  • Primary grip with variations
  • Stance with options to suit your application
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline
  • How to draw the handgun and index on target
  • Fundamental reload sequence and technique, including emergency reload

New and enhanced skills

  • How to read a competition course of fire
  • Shooting on the move
  • Shooting from around/behind cover (high and low)
  • Prone and kneeling shooting positions
  • Entering shooting boxes
  • Reload sequences – emergency, speed, retention and tactical
  • Recoil control
  • Mental attitude
  • The essentials of safe cartridge reloading and what it means for your sport
  • Expanded Dry fire practice regime

This is ideally a two-day program at our range in Touwsrivier, but it can be covered in one day. The price is the same. The two day course has extra exercises and focus and is highly recommended.

Course Fee R1800.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 200 rounds of factory produced ammunition. Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, a sturdy belt, holster and at least a single magazine pouch. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own firearm please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag, box, or holstered on you. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm. Glock pistols are available for rental during training.

Prerequisite: SAPS CFR competency or pass the skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Competition Handgun

Aimed at regular sports shooters who are shooting – in practice and matches at least 4 times a month, this program is structured to hone your already fine skills – extracting the last bit of speed and accuracy that you can deliver.

The differences that Competition Handgun Shooter will bring will be small after the improvement in previous levels, but at the level that you are now competing, half a second can make the difference between a place on the podium or not featuring at all. Practically speaking, attaining this level of skill with your handgun translates into an enormous advantage should you ever need to use it in defense of your life – or someone else. The framework for Competition Handgun Shooter builds on the important skills that you have developed and includes:

A quick review of all previous skills in Essential and Sport Handgun Shooter.

  • How to read a competition course of fire, shooting on the move, shooting from around/behind cover (high and low), prone and kneeling shooting positions, entering shooting boxes, reload sequences – emergency, speed, retention and tactical, recoil control, mental attitude, the essentials of safe cartridge reloading and what it means for your sport and expanded Dry Fire practice regime.

This is a two-day program at our range in Touwsrivier. We offer an extended option with a third day of evaluation and practice on the same course at 50% of our normal day rate. The three-day course has extra exercises and focus and is highly recommended.

Course Fee R2400.00 over 2 days. (minimum of three students on course).
Three day course R3000.00 (minimum of three students on course)
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 300 rounds of ammunition. And all of the correct clothing and equipment to shoot at this level. Please arrive with your firearm UNLOADED, in a bag, box, or holstered on you. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm. Glock pistols are available for rental during training.

Prerequisite: skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Shotgun Programs

People are used to steps of progression. From junior school we are taught to appreciate the difference between and compare good with better, and better with best. This is the philosophy that guides our approach to training – in every discipline. Easy to visualize. Our programs start off with Essential, progress to Sport Shooter and peak with Competition Shooter. Whether you choose just one, such as shotgun or desire to learn all small arms, you’re guaranteed a learning experience to match your aspirations.

Essential Shotgun

This is the point where our dynamic e5 program is first introduced. It’s an experience designed to bring the licensed firearm owner to a new level. We focus on developing an equilibrium between power, speed and accuracy, adding a number of new skills not taught in Legal Compliance & Qualification.

The framework for Essential Shotgun embraces the 7 fundamentals of marksmanship, starting with stance and concluding with follow-through after the shot. Each skill is practiced in logical sequence within the framework of safe and competent firearm handling.
The program includes

  • Discussion on the latest shotgun configurations available
  • Safety, chamber checking, loading and unloading
  • Ammunition fit for purpose
  • The 4-point platform
  • Firing positions for desired outcomes
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline
  • Carrying and presenting the weapon to index on target
  • Fundamental reload sequence and technique
  • Dry fire practice regime
  • Care and Preventive maintenance

To assist your ongoing skill improvement we teach you the foundation of an effective practice regime to apply at home. Personal equipment choices and applications are also discussed and you will receive professional advice tailored to match your expected application. There is no competitive element on this course – we move at the pace of the newest student. In this 1-day program you’ll spend more time on the range than in the classroom and by the end of the course, you will leave with a new set of skills and a clear idea of your new practice regime.
Course Fee R1500.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 150 rounds of factory produced ammunition. Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, and a suitable sling on your shotgun. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own shotgun please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag or carry case. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your rifle. ZPD can arrange shotguns for rental during training – please notify us in advance to request a quote for this service.

Prerequisite: SAPS CFR competency or pass the skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Sport Shooting Shotgun

You’ve got Essential Shotgun or related experience under your belt, and you’re ready to enter the exciting world of sport shooting. Our Sport Shotgun Shooter program will set you up with the skill and knowledge to bring your other three personal characteristics – mental attitude, balance and capacity into sharp focus. After successfully completing this program you will be confident of your competence to enter competitions and matches in your chosen handgun discipline.

The framework for Sport Shotgun Shooter builds on the important skills that you have developed and includes:

A quick review of all previous skills

  • Discussion on the latest shotgun configurations available
  • Safety, chamber checking, loading and unloading
  • Ammunition fit for purpose
  • The 4-point platform
  • Firing positions for desired outcomes
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline
  • Carrying and presenting the weapon to index on target
  • Fundamental reload sequence and technique
  • Dry fire practice regime
  • Care and Preventive maintenance

New and enhanced skills

  • How to read a competition course of fire
  • Shooting on the move
  • Shooting from around/behind cover (high and low)
  • Prone and kneeling shooting positions
  • Entering shooting boxes
  • Reload sequences – emergency, speed, retention and tactical
  • Recoil control
  • Mental attitude
  • Expanded Dry fire practice regime

This is ideally a two-day program at our range in Touwsrivier, but it can be covered in one day. The price is the same. The two-day course has extra exercises and focus and is highly recommended.

Course Fee R1800.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 150 rounds of factory produced ammunition. (125 rounds of #7 birdshot, 6 rounds of LG and 6 slugs). Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, and a suitable sling for your shotgun. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own rifle please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag or box. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm. ZPD can arrange shotguns for rental during the training – if you require this please contact us in advance.

Prerequisite: Pass the skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Competition Shotgun

Aimed at regular sports shooters who are shooting – in practice and matches at least 4 times a month, this program is structured to hone your already fine skills – extracting the last bit of speed and accuracy that you can deliver.

The differences that Competition Shotgun Shooter will bring will be small after the improvement in previous levels, but at the level that you are now competing, half a second can make the difference between a place on the podium or not featuring at all. Practically speaking, attaining this level of skill with your handgun translates into an enormous advantage should you ever need to use it in defense of your life – or someone else. The framework for Competition Shotgun Shooter builds on the important skills that you have developed and includes:

A quick review of all previous skills in Essential and Sport Shotgun Shooter.

  • How to read a competition course of fire, shooting on the move, shooting from around/behind cover (high and low), prone and kneeling shooting positions, entering shooting boxes, reload sequences, recoil control, mental attitude, and expanded Dry Fire practice regime.
  • Plus: Tactical guidelines – the shotgun after dark, lighting choices and mounting systems, shooting at angles and a qualification course with live ammunition and dry fire.
  • Based on the completion of a standard classification exercise, we will be able to identify areas where you can make the most improvement first. Thereafter we focus on the small and fine improvements to technique within the framework of E5.


This is a two-day program at our range in Touwsrivier. We offer an extended option with a third day of evaluation and practice on the same course at 50% of our normal day rate. The three-day course has extra exercises and focus and is highly recommended.

Course Fee R2400.00 over 2 days. (minimum of three students on course).
Three-day course R3000.00 (minimum of three students on course)
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 200 rounds of ammunition (150 #7 birdshot, 25 slugs and 25 LG). And all of the correct clothing and equipment to shoot at this level. Please arrive with your firearm UNLOADED, in a bag or box. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm.

Prerequisite: skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Own a gunSelf Loading Rifle Programs

People are used to steps of progression. From junior school we are taught to appreciate the difference between and compare good with better, and better with best. This is the philosophy that guides our approach to training – in every discipline. Easy to visualize. Our programs start off with Essential, progress to Sport Shooter and peak with Competition Shooter. Whether you choose just one, such as SLR or desire to learn all small arms, you’re guaranteed a learning experience to match your aspirations.

Essential Self-Loading Rifle

This is the point where our dynamic e5 program is first introduced in an experience designed to bring the licensed firearm owner to a new level. We focus on developing an equilibrium around power, speed and accuracy, adding a number of new skills not taught in Legal Compliance & Qualification.

The framework for Essential Self-Loading Rifle embraces the 7 fundamentals of marksmanship, starting with stance and concluding with follow-through after the shot. Each skill is practiced in logical sequence within the framework of safe and competent firearm handling.

The program includes

  • Discussion on the latest weapon platforms available and the legal requirements to own a self-loading rifle
  • Rifle safety, chamber checking, loading and unloading
  • The 4-point platform
  • Firing positions for desired outcomes
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline
  • Carrying and presenting the weapon to index on target
  • Fundamental reload sequence and technique, including emergency reload
  • Dry fire practice regime
  • Care and Preventive maintenance
  • Optical sights choosing and using

To assist your ongoing skill improvement we teach you the foundation of an effective practice regime to apply at home. Personal equipment choices and applications are also discussed and you will receive professional advice to match your expected application. There is no competitive element on this course – we move at the pace of the newest student. In this 1-day program you’ll spend more time on the range than in the classroom, and by the end of the course, you will leave with a new set of skills and a clear idea of your new practice regime.
Course Fee R1500.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 150 rounds of factory produced ammunition. Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, and a suitable sling on your rifle. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own rifle please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag or carry case. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your rifle. ZPD can arrange rifles for rental during training – please notify us in advance to request a quote for this service.

Prerequisite: SAPS CFR competency or pass the skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Sport Shooting Self-Loading Rifle

You’ve got to have Essential SLR or related experience under your belt, and are ready to enter the exciting world of sport shooting. Our Sport SLR Shooter program will set you up with the skill and knowledge to bring your other three personal characteristics – mental attitude, balance and capacity into sharp focus. After successfully completing this program you will be confident of your competence to enter competitions and matches.

The framework for Sport SLR Shooter builds on the important skills that you have developed and includes:

A quick review of previous skills

  • Discussion on the latest weapons platforms available and the legal requirements to own a self-loading rifle
  • Rifle safety, chamber checking, loading and unloading
  • The 4-point platform
  • Firing positions for desired outcomes
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline
  • Carrying and presenting the weapon to index on target
  • Fundamental reload sequence and technique, including emergency reload
  • Dry fire practice regime
  • Care and Preventive maintenance
  • Optical sights choosing and using

New and enhanced skills

  • How to read a competition course of fire
  • Shooting on the move
  • Shooting from around/behind cover (high and low)
  • Prone and kneeling shooting positions
  • Entering shooting boxes
  • Reload sequences – emergency, speed, retention and tactical
  • Recoil control
  • Mental attitude
  • The essentials of safe cartridge reloading and what it means for your sport
  • Expanded Dry fire practice regime

This is ideally a two-day program at our range in Touwsrivier, but it can be covered in one day. The price is the same. The two-day course has extra exercises and focus and is highly recommended.

Course Fee R1800.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 150 rounds of factory produced ammunition. Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, and a suitable sling for your rifle. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own rifle please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag or box. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm. ZPD can arrange rifles for rental during the training – if you require this please contact us in advance.

Prerequisite: Pass the skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Competition Self-Loading Rifle

Aimed at regular sports shooters who are shooting – in practice and matches at least 4 times a month, this program is structured to hone your already fine skills – extracting the last bit of speed and accuracy that you can deliver.

The differences that Competition SLR Shooter will bring will be small after the improvement in previous levels, but at the level that you are now competing, half a second can make the difference between a place on the podium or not featuring at all. Practically speaking, attaining this level of skill with your SLR translates into an enormous advantage should you ever need to use it in defense of your life – or someone else. The framework for Competition SLR Shooter builds on the important skills that you have developed and includes:

A quick review of all previous skills in Essential and Sport SLR Shooter.

  • How to read a competition course of fire, shooting on the move, shooting from around/behind cover (high and low), prone and kneeling shooting positions, entering shooting boxes, reload sequences – emergency, speed, retention and tactical, recoil control, mental attitude, the essentials of safe cartridge reloading and what it means for your sport and expanded Dry Fire practice regime.
  • Plus: Tactical guidelines – low light shooting, lighting choices and mounting systems, shooting at angles and a qualification course with live ammunition and dry fire.
  • Based on the completion of a standard classification exercise, we will be able to identify areas where you can make the most improvement first. Thereafter we focus on the small and fine improvements to technique within the framework of E5.

This is a two-day program at our range in Touwsrivier. We offer an extended option with a third day of evaluation and practice on the same course at 50% of our normal day rate. The three-day course has extra exercises and focus and is highly recommended.

Course Fee R2400.00 over 2 days. (minimum of three students on course).
Three-day course R3000.00 (minimum of three students on course)
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 200 rounds of ammunition. And all of the correct clothing and equipment to shoot at this level. Please arrive with your firearm UNLOADED, in a bag or box. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your firearm.

Prerequisite: skill check on arrival at the range.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Manually Operated Rifle Programs

People are used to steps of progression. From junior school we are taught to appreciate the difference between and compare good with better, and better with best. This is the philosophy that guides our approach to training – in every discipline. Easy to visualize. Our programs start off with Essential, progress to Sport Shooter and peak with Competition Shooter. Whether you choose just one, such as rifle or desire to learn all small arms, you’re guaranteed a learning experience to match your aspirations.

Essential Bolt Action (Manual) Rifle

This is the point where our dynamic e5 program is first introduced. It’s an experience designed to bring the licensed firearm owner to a new level. We focus on developing an equilibrium around power, speed and accuracy, adding a number of skills not taught in Legal Compliance & Qualification.

The framework for manual rifle embraces the 7 fundamentals of marksmanship, starting with stance and concluding with follow-through after the shot. Each skill is practiced in logical sequence within the framework of safe and competent firearm handling.
The program includes

  • Discussion on rifle and caliber choices
  • Safety, chamber checking, loading and unloading
  • Ammunition fit for purpose
  • Carry positions – hunting and range etiquette
  • The 4-point platform
  • Bipods and slings
  • Firing positions for desired outcomes
  • Choosing and using optical sights – including mounting and zero
  • Understanding and perfecting sight alignment and picture
  • Trigger discipline and breathing
  • Wind
  • Mathematical and optical ballistic solutions
  • Load development
  • Dry fire practice regime
  • Care and Preventive maintenance

To assist your ongoing skill improvement we teach you the foundation of an effective practice regime to apply at home. Personal equipment choices and applications are also discussed and you will receive professional advice tailored to match your expected application. There is no competitive element on this course – we move at the pace of the newest student. In this 1-day program you’ll spend more time on the range than in the classroom and by the end of the course, you will leave with a new set of skills and a clear idea of your new practice regime.
Course Fee R1500.00 over 2 days – or one day. (minimum of three students on course).
Want individual training? Click here to send your enquiry.

What to bring with you for the course
You will need 100 rounds of factory produced ammunition. Suitable clothing, a cap or sunhat, closed shoes, ear and eye protection, and a suitable sling on your rifle. (contact us for advice if you’re going to purchase these items for the course). If you are using your own rifle please arrive with it UNLOADED, in a bag or carry case. Please ensure that you have a valid firearm licence for your rifle. ZPD can arrange rifles for rental during training – please notify us in advance to request a quote for this service.

Prerequisite: SAPS CFR competency. Exception made for young shooters who do not yet qualify for their own SAPS competency.

Travel and accommodation
Our primary course venue is on a private range in Touwsrivier – distance 185km from Cape Town.
If you’re coming in from out of town there is convenient and comfortable accommodation available at the range. Click here for other accommodation in the area.

Register for your course now.

Gun Guide: Getting handgun competency in SA


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